These days, for something to capture our attention long enough that we spend our precious time reading through it, it must be good, and benefit us in some way.
This could be an Instagram post promising the latest way to potty train your child in 3 days or less. Or maybe it is a long text from a close friend needing to vent. Perhaps it is the latest book from your favorite author.
In a world of instant gratification and 10 second marketing videos, we at SP Women’s Center still see the value in reading and writing. Hearing about other’s experiences, learning something new, or being inspired to make even a small change within yourself or your home (similar to what we strive for in the center with our L&E program) is something we are excited to grow with this blog.
Now, this author, and those who write alongside, are not journalists or seasoned publishers by any means, they simply love this home of an organization that has created a family feel and desires to feed into it even a tidbit of information that could be educational, encouraging, empowering, and call me crazy but maybe even fun.
These blog posts will cover a variety of topics and hopefully spark some encouragement, motivation or ideas! Stay tuned, we’re so glad you’re here!